Fate雑記(士凛特化)&血だまりスケッチ こと 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ観測所

Fate雑記(士凛特化)&血だまりスケッチ こと 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ観測所

薬事委員会は無事に自分側の勝利で終了♪ これでとりあえず、次回までは一安心。

The Japanese Finance Minister, Mr Shoichi Nakagawa, has resigned yesterday because he was apparently drunk at the G7 meeting. What do you make of his miserable behaviour and what do you make of the miserable Japanese economy now?

Prime Minister:
Well I am looking forward to meeting the Japanese Prime Minister and whoever is the Finance Minister when it comes to the G20 meeting. We will be meeting all the time, I don’t think there will be time off for many of the events that you are talking about that happened in Rome.

Your Finance Minister has actually been very ambitious in some of the things he has recommended, as has your Prime Minister to the world community and I do look forward to working with Japan, particularly its proposals to strengthen the international financial system.
